Detection of prostate specific antigen and semenogelin in specimens from female rape victims.


:The presence of semen is generally accepted as evidence in sexual assault cases prosecution. Detection of sperm is confirmation of semen; however, sperm cannot always be detected. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) and semenogelin (Sg) are used as semen biomarkers. We compared the detection rate and persistence of sperm, PSA and Sg over a range of time intervals from the time of assault to specimen collection. The results show that sperm had the longest persistence and highest detection rate. The detection rate of the Sg test was significantly better than that of the PSA test overall, whether the sperm test was negative or positive. In conclusion, the detection of sperm should be the first test executed: if sperm is not detected, the Sg test is more suitable than the PSA test and could be used up to 72 h after assault.


J Forensic Leg Med


Suttipasit P,Wongwittayapanich S




Has Abstract


2018-02-01 00:00:00












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