[Comparison of fetal ECG recordings using STAN S21 analyser and external ECG of newborns, in relation to enzymatic ischaemic markers and acid-base parameters in umbilical blood].


DESIGN:Neonatal hypoxia is often responsible for myocardial ischaemia. To evaluate cardiac involvement in neonates, fetal and neonatal ECG recordings have been performed and parameters indicating heart dysfunction have been analysed. OBJECTIVES:Our interest has been focused on analysis of fetal electrocardiogram recordings using STAN S21 analyser during labour, compared to newborns ECG recordings in the first 12 hours of life, in relation to enzymatic ischaemic markers and acid-base parameters in umbilical blood. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The data were collected from 8 term fetuses and neonates, continuously monitored in the first and second stage of labor. All ECG were recorded with a single spiral scalp electrode connected to the STAN S21 analyser. After birth, umbilical venous blood samples have been collected for determination of pH, base excess and concentrations of creatinine kinase (CK), its isoenzyme (CK-MB), myoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine transaminase, aspartate aminotransferase. In the first 12 hours of life, external neonatal ECG was performed. RESULTS:P,QRS and T waves have been present in all cases recorded. There was no suggestion of fetal hypoxia in any case. A little variety of QRS complex has been observed. In our study, we didn't noticed any pathological changes in ECG recordings. The QT interval, corrected by the Bazett formula was normal in all cases. Nevertheless correct ECG recordings, increase of enzymatic ischaemic markers (LDH, CK,CK-MB) has been observed in two cases, corresponding to the normal fetal outcome.


Ginekol Pol


Ginekologia polska


Zikitek M,Celewicz Z,Zytkiewicz B,Ronin-Walknowska E



Has Abstract


2004-11-01 00:00:00












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