Impact of D1-class dopamine receptor on striatal processing of cortical input in experimental parkinsonism in vivo.


:Recent in vivo electrophysiological studies suggest that chronic dopamine depletion alters profoundly the firing pattern of basal ganglia neurons. These changes may disrupt the processing of cortical information flow from the striatum to the output nuclei, and presumably underlie the clinical manifestations of Parkinson's disease. We have recently reported that chronic nigrostriatal lesions induce changes in the functional state of striatal medium-spiny neurons (MSNs) that could facilitate spreading of cortical synchronous activity (approximately 1 Hz) to striatal target nuclei. Here we show that systemic administration of D1 dopamine agonists was sufficient to restore the changes induced by chronic nigrostriatal lesions on striatal neuronal activity into the normal state. Following systemic administration of SKF38393 or SKF81279 the membrane potential of striatal MSNs was upheld into a more hyperpolarized value and action potential firing probability decreased. D1 agonists also increased the latency to the cortically driven plateau depolarization and reduced the peak potential of the short latency depolarizing postsynaptic response to a more hyperpolarized value. The present study provides in vivo evidence indicating that pharmacological stimulation of D1-class dopamine receptors can modulate the flow of cortical information through the striatum in the parkinsonian state.






Tseng KY,Riquelme LA,Murer MG





Has Abstract


2004-01-01 00:00:00














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