Wheat functional genomics and engineering crop improvement.


:Genetic mapping and determination of the organization of the wheat genome are changing the wheat-breeding process. New initiatives to analyze the expressed portion of the wheat genome and structural analysis of the genomes of Arabidopsis and rice are increasing our knowledge of the genes that are linked to key agronomically important traits.


Genome Biol


Genome biology


Francki M,Appels R





Has Abstract


2002-01-01 00:00:00












  • A cell surface interaction network of neural leucine-rich repeat receptors.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:The vast number of precise intercellular connections within vertebrate nervous systems is only partly explained by the comparatively few known extracellular guidance cues. Large families of neural orphan receptor proteins have been identified and are likely to contribute to these recognition processes but du...

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  • The PRC-barrel: a widespread, conserved domain shared by photosynthetic reaction center subunits and proteins of RNA metabolism.

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  • An integrated computational pipeline and database to support whole-genome sequence annotation.

    abstract::We describe here our experience in annotating the Drosophila melanogaster genome sequence, in the course of which we developed several new open-source software tools and a database schema to support large-scale genome annotation. We have developed these into an integrated and reusable software system for whole-genome ...

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  • Normalization of boutique two-color microarrays with a high proportion of differentially expressed probes.

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  • SCALE: modeling allele-specific gene expression by single-cell RNA sequencing.

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  • Molecular mechanisms of spindle function.

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  • In silico meets in vivo.

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