Validation of the CPQ8-10ESP in Mexican school children in urban areas.


UNLABELLED:The current indicators used to gather information on oral health in children are basically clinical indexes that register mainly dental caries, periodontal disease, and malocclusion. These indexes should be complemented with emotional and social aspects related to the individual experience and perception of oral health status. In order to obtain this information, valid instruments capable of evaluating the impact of oral health as it relates to the quality of life (OHRQoL) are required. The objective of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ8-10) is to assess OHRQoL in children aged eight to ten years. CPQ8-10 consists of 25 questions divided into four domains: oral symptoms, functional limitation, emotional well-being, and social well-being. OBJECTIVE:The aim of this study was to validate the translated Spanish version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ8-10ESP) in use with Mexican urban children. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Three hundred fifteen students in Mexico City aged eight- to ten-years-old participated in this study. The CPQ8-10ESP questionnaire was self-administered in the classroom. Clinical data about caries and malocclusion were obtained. To assess test-retest reliability, the questionnaire was reapplied to a subgroup of children. RESULTS:Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient was 0.89 for the total CPQ8-10ESP scale. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.67; a statistically significant difference was found in the CPQ8-10ESP mean score between children with caries and malocclusion; a significant correlation between general well-being ratings with all domains was found (p<0.001). General perception of oral health was associated with both oral symptoms (p=0.049) and emotional well-being (p=0.022) domains, as well as with the total scale (p=0.015). CONCLUSIONS:The CPQ8-10ESP version showed good validity and reliability for use with Mexican schoolchildren from urban areas.


del Carmen Aguilar-Díaz F,Irigoyen-Camacho ME




Has Abstract


2011-05-01 00:00:00














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