Transient puffs of trace organic emissions from a batch-fed waste propellant incinerator.


:Emissions data have been obtained from a waste propellant incinerator. The incinerator is a dual fixed hearth, controlled air incinerator equipped with acid gas and particulate scrubbing. "Puffing" has been evident in this waste propellant incinerator by spikes in the CO concentration. Transient puffs of organics may travel down the combustion chambers and lead to stack emissions. The major conclusions from this study are that (1) transient puffs are formed due to the semi-batch feed nature of the combustion process (causing a local oxygen deficiency) and high water content of the desensitized propellant; (2) in batch-fed combustors, puffs can contribute to most of the organic emissions (which are relatively low) measured with US EPA sampling and analytical methods; (3) it is estimated that batch-fed combustion contributes up to 7-18 times more emissions than steady-state combustion will generate; (4) by applying dispersion analyses to determine the amount of oxygen deficiency in the flame zone, the combustion zone concentration of CO during batch-fed operation could be as high as 160,000 ppm, compared to a measured peak stack concentration of 1200 ppm CO; and (5) an organic sample is collected and averaged over at least a 2-h period that smooths out the transient peaks of organics emissions during batch-fed operation. For emissions that are associated with long-term potential health impacts, this is an appropriate sampling method. However, if a compound has a short-term potential health impact, it may be important to measure the time-resolved emissions of the compound.






Hart JR




Has Abstract


2001-02-01 00:00:00














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