Legislators' views on tobacco policy: are there regional differences in Kentucky?


BACKGROUND:Tobacco-growing states have few tobacco control laws, which are relatively weak compared with those in non-tobacco-growing states. Region of the country has been shown to be a predictor of legislators' intentions to vote for cigarette tax increases. METHODS:A total of 116 lawmakers (84%) participated in face-to-face interviews before the 1998 Kentucky General Assembly. Five regions of Kentucky were identified by the five political caucuses. Legislative voting records on two tobacco control bills introduced during the 1998 Kentucky General Assembly were examined. RESULTS:There was little regional variation in opinions toward tobacco control policy among Kentucky legislators. Regional variation was evident only in relation to reducing the state's dependence on tobacco production, raising cigarette taxes, and adopting a law to prohibit teen possession of tobacco products. CONCLUSIONS:Health advocates from tobacco-growing states might use regional information to garner support for selected tobacco control policies among lawmakers.


South Med J


Southern medical journal


Hahn EJ,Rayens MK


Has Abstract


2002-03-01 00:00:00












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