Resuscitation skills of lay public after recent training.


STUDY OBJECTIVE:To investigate the ability of laypeople to apply basic CPR techniques after recent training. DESIGN:Cross-sectional assessment of practical CPR skills. TYPE OF PARTICIPANTS:151 laypeople who were trained twice in the preceding 20 to 24 months. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS:Practical skills were tested using six primary recorded variables that describe the quality of CPR techniques in a training situation. A total score on the skills of each participant was computed on the basis of a predefined scoring system. Thirty-three percent of the participants were able to perform adequate CPR. The compression:relaxation ratio, the breathing volume, and the breathing interval were points of concern. CONCLUSION:Practical skills in basic CPR after a 12-month training interval, though better in this study than in many previous studies, are insufficient in the majority of laypeople. The results of this study could be used to design a better tailored (re)instruction program, with an emphasis on regular, frequent refresher courses.


Ann Emerg Med


Berden HJ,Bierens JJ,Willems FF,Hendrick JM,Pijls NH,Knape JT




Has Abstract


1994-05-01 00:00:00














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