Percutaneous inferior vena cava placement of tunneled silastic catheters for prolonged vascular access in infants.


:In infants and children requiring prolonged and multiple central venous catheterizations, conventional cannulation sites may become thrombosed or stenotic, making inability to gain vascular access a life-threatening problem. The technique we use for the percutaneous placement of inferior vena caval tunneled silastic catheters via the translumbar and transhepatic approaches is described. Three translumbar placements and one transhepatic placement in three children without immediate complications have been performed. We conclude that percutaneous inferior vena caval cannulation via the translumbar or transhepatic routes offers a viable alternative in these patients with difficult vascular access.


J Pediatr Surg


Robertson LJ,Jaques PF,Mauro MA,Azizkhan RG,Robards J




Has Abstract


1990-06-01 00:00:00














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