The resistance of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn to insect attack by Trichoplusia ni (Hübn.).


:Resistance of Pteridium aquilinum to insect attack was studied by incorporating air dried bracken leaf meal and extracts of bracken leaf meal into an artificial diet for Trichoplusia ni (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). When larvae are reared on diets containing 6% bracken leaf meal, they do not mature past the second instar and after 16 days the average weight is approximately 1 mg compared to 70 mg for control larvae. Feeding initiation studies indicate that a feeding deterrent is present in bracken fern but feeding rates and food utilization efficiency studies suggest that either the deterrent or another compound also functions as a toxin. This toxin does not affect growth, feeding rates, or utilization efficiency for the first 4 days after third instar larvae are transferred to a diet containing the water extract of bracken leaf meal; thereafter growth is terminated and feeding is greatly reduced. The active factor is water soluble, heat labile, and non-volatile and this partial characterization indicates that neither the bracken ecdysones or the anti-thiamine factor of bracken is involved in the resistance of this fern to insect attack by T. ni.






Hendrix SD




Has Abstract


1977-12-01 00:00:00














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