The extensor digitorum brevis muscle island flap for soft-tissue loss around the ankle.


:The extensor digitorum brevis muscle flap, which has already been suggested as a local flap for the foot, has been applied by us in 2 cases with excellent results. This flap, as with other muscle flaps, provides an excellent bed for the skin graft. Furthermore, because of its width, it allows for covering an area of skin loss 5 X 7 cm in size in areas that are difficult to cover by other reconstructive means. The arch of rotation of this flap allows for coverage of the lateromedial and posterior surfaces of the ankle with no functional loss at the donor site. The relative ease of elevating this flap presents a reasonable justification for its wider application as a single local procedure for skin problems around the ankle.


Plast Reconstr Surg


Landi A,Soragni O,Monteleone M




Has Abstract


1985-06-01 00:00:00












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