[Comparison of the changes in bioelectric activity recorded simultaneously from the amygdaloid body and the hippocampus and from the cranial surface during the stereoelectroencephalographic examination in epilepsy].


:The authors analysed 95 SEEG records in epileptics with prevalent temporal-lobe changes comparing the bioelectric activity of the brain recorded simultaneously in the amygdala, hippocampus, temporal cortex and cranial surface during these investigations and relating them to EEG records obtained before the operation. In these records pathological elements typical of epilepsy were found occurring in different variants synchronously or asynchronously in leads at three above mentioned levels. In the findings reported attention is called to occurrence of seizure discharges in the amygdala and hippocampus which had no equivalent in cortical or cranial bioactivity records. In the light of these SEEG observations and a survey of the literature the authors stress the diagnostic importance of SEEG investigations in epilepsy.


Neurol Neurochir Pol


Stadnicki R,Mempel E


Has Abstract


1979-05-01 00:00:00












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