[Stauffer's syndrome. Reversible hepatic dysfunction in renal cell carcinoma (author's transl)].


:Stauffer's syndrome represents a paraneoplastic liver disorder associated with renal cell carcinoma and is characterized by elevation of the serum alkaline phosphatase, increased bromsulphthalein retention, hypalbuminaemia, elevation of alpha-2-globulin and hypoprothrombinaemia, as well as hepatosplenomegaly. Two cases are reported in which this syndrome was the presenting feature and operation was undertaken on the basis of suspected primary biliary tract disease. The aetiology of the typical findings of Stauffer's syndrome are discussed. As they may be the only symptoms of an otherwise occult renal cell carcinoma, their presence should guide the diagnostic efforts in the right direction. Moreover, the possibility of predicting the postoperative course by follow-up control of the liver function tests is stressed.


Wien Klin Wochenschr


Jakse G,Madersbacher H


Has Abstract


1978-04-14 00:00:00












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