Caregiver distress in first-episode psychosis: the role of subjective appraisal, over-involvement and symptomatology.


BACKGROUND:Caregivers of persons with first-episode psychosis (FEP) often report high levels of distress. Preventing long-term or chronic distress within the whole family is an important focus of early intervention for psychosis. However, a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological factors involved is needed. AIMS:To examine the impact of subjective appraisals and expressed emotion on caregiver distress in FEP. METHOD:Within a cross-sectional design, 154 caregivers of 99 persons with FEP in a clinical epidemiological sample completed a series of questionnaires to examine potential predictors of caregiver distress. RESULTS:Thirty-seven percent of caregivers were suffering from clinically significant distress. A linear mixed model analysis found that, after controlling for caregiver socio-demographic factors, service-user symptoms and global functioning, emotional over-involvement and subjective appraisal of caregiving were significant predictors of caregiver distress. CONCLUSION:Caregiver distress is significant in the early phase of illness, and this seems to be more related to their subjective appraisal and over-involvement, than to variations in symptoms and global functioning of the person diagnosed with FEP. This lends further support to the stress-appraisal coping model and the cognitive model of caregiving in FEP, and highlights supportive interventions aimed at handling unhelpful cognitions and behaviors.


Jansen JE,Haahr UH,Harder S,Trauelsen AM,Lyse HG,Buch Pedersen M,Simonsen E




Has Abstract


2015-03-01 00:00:00












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