The effect of gonadal steroids on vasoactive intestinal Peptide concentration and release from mediobasal hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary gland.


:Abstract The effects of chronic administration of sex steroids on the content of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) in the mediobasal hypothalamus and anterior pituitary were studied in adult rats. Gonadectomy had no effect on VIP concentration in the mediobasal hypothalamus or anterior pituitary gland. Estradiol benzoate (1 mug/100 g body wt/day) administered for 10 days decreased mediobasal hypothalamus VIP concentration of ovariectomized rats whereas it produced no change in mediobasal hypothalamus VIP content of orchidectomized rats. Testosterone propionate (100 mug/100 g body wt/day) administration decreased mediobasal hypothalamus VIP content in both sexes. Estradiol administration caused an increase whereas testosterone treatment resulted in a decrease in anterior pituitary VIP levels in both sexes. The effect of chronic administration of the sex steroids on VIP release from the mediobasal hypothalamus and anterior pituitary was also investigated. Estradiol increased evoked VIP release from the mediobasal hypothalamus and decreased mediobasal hypothalamus VIP content whereas testosterone decreased both mediobasal hypothalamus release and content. Chronic treatment with estradiol enhanced anterior pituitary VIP release and content while testosterone decreased both parameters studied. The data indicate that anterior pituitary VIP content is under the control of gonadal hormones and that the increased anterior pituitary VIP found after estradiol administration may be due to an augmented release from the mediobasal hypothalamus and probably an increase in anterior pituitary VIP synthesis.


J Neuroendocrinol


Lasaga M,Duvilanski BH,Seilicovich A,Afione S,Diaz Mdel C,Pisera D,Traktenberg R,Debeljuk L




Has Abstract


1991-02-01 00:00:00














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