[Polyorchism: a case report].


:A case of polyorchism is described and the literature reviewed, highlighting the rarity of this pathological condition. To our knowledge, only 70 cases have been reported in the world literature. Similarly, Nocks' embryological development theory is discussed herein. The present case was diagnosed intraoperatively. No further studies were warranted since the intraoperative findings were compatible with a more common pathological condition. Furthermore, the malformation was asymptomatic and was not associated with any other scrotal conditions, unlike most of the cases described in the literature. We discuss the therapeutic approach and underscore the need to remove the supernumerary testis encountered intraoperatively when the continuity of the seminal duct is uncompromised.


Arch Esp Urol


Lanza P,Scalfari A,Gemelli R,Pirritano D,Catuogno C,Colosimo MT


Has Abstract


1991-04-01 00:00:00












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