Antagonistic effects of cofilin, beryllium fluoride complex, and phalloidin on subdomain 2 and nucleotide-binding cleft in F-actin.


:Cofilin/ADF, beryllium fluoride complex (BeFx), and phalloidin have opposing effects on actin filament structure and dynamics. Cofilin/ADF decreases the stability of F-actin by enhancing disorder in subdomain 2, and by severing and accelerating the depolymerization of the filament. BeFx and phalloidin stabilize the subdomain 2 structure and decrease the critical concentration of actin, slowing the dissociation of monomers. Yeast cofilin, unlike some other members of the cofilin/ADF family, binds to F-actin in the presence of BeFx; however, the rate of its binding is strongly inhibited by BeFx and decreases with increasing pH. The inhibition of the cofilin binding rate increases with the time of BeFx incubation with F-actin, indicating the existence of two BeFx-F-actin complexes. Cofilin dissociates BeFx from the filament, while BeFx does not bind to F-actin saturated with cofilin, presumably because of the cofilin-induced changes in the nucleotide-binding cleft of F-actin. These changes are apparent from the increase in the fluorescence intensity of F-actin bound epsilon-ADP upon cofilin binding and a decrease in its accessibility to collisional quenchers. BeFx also affects the nucleotide-binding cleft of F-actin, as indicated by an increase in the fluorescence intensity of epsilon-ADP-F-actin. Phalloidin and cofilin inhibit, but do not exclude each other binding to their complexes with F-actin. Phalloidin promotes the dissociation of cofilin from F-actin and slowly reverses the cofilin-induced disorder in the DNase I binding loop of subdomain 2.


Biophys J


Biophysical journal


Muhlrad A,Ringel I,Pavlov D,Peyser YM,Reisler E




Has Abstract


2006-12-15 00:00:00














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