A large database of chicken bursal ESTs as a resource for the analysis of vertebrate gene function.


:Chicken B cells create their immunoglobulin repertoire within the Bursa of Fabricius by gene conversion. The high homologous recombination activity is shared by the bursal B-cell-derived DT40 cell line, which integrates transfected DNA constructs at high rates into its endogenous loci. Targeted integration in DT40 is used frequently to analyze the function of genes by gene disruption. In this paper, we describe a large database of >7000 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from bursal lymphocytes that should be a valuable resource for the identification of gene disruption targets in DT40. ESTs of interest can be recognized easily by online or keyword searches. Because the database reflects the gene expression profile of bursal lymphocytes, it provides valuable hints as to which genes might be involved in B-cell-specific processes related to immunoglobulin repertoire formation, signal transduction, transcription, and apoptosis. This large collection of chicken ESTs will also be useful for gene expression studies and comparative gene mapping within the chicken genome project. Details of the bursal EST sequencing project and access to database search forms can be found on the DT40 web site (http://genetics.hpi.uni-hamburg.de/dt40.html).


Genome Res


Genome research


Abdrakhmanov I,Lodygin D,Geroth P,Arakawa H,Law A,Plachy J,Korn B,Buerstedde JM




Has Abstract


2000-12-01 00:00:00












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