[Particular aspects of creation and assessment of an obstetrical data bank].


:The use of computers improves data storage capacity and leads to a homogeneous documentation of data obtained. After extensive preparations documentation was started using in 1975 the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology computer. The obstetrical-gynecological data base is used for organisational, epidemiological, scientific and mixed purposes. The main purpose is periodical evaluation of routine procedures. The evaluation of obstetrical data is often combined with specific problems. To compare the data obtained, clinical findings have to be entered in standardized form and to be related to the week of pregnancy. The expected date of birth has to be corrected often as a result of several investigations. Furthermore, it has to be differentiated between single and multiple pregnancy. Good cooperation between physician and medical computer expert is necessary for good quality of evaluation. The evaluated data enable one to find new aspects and connections, which may offer the impetus to perform new prospective research.


Gring H,Deutinger J




Has Abstract


1989-05-01 00:00:00












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