Fabrication of nanopores with ultrashort single-walled carbon nanotubes inserted in a lipid bilayer.


:We describe a protocol for the insertion of ultrashort single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) to form nanopores in a Montal-Mueller lipid bilayer. The SWCNTs are designed to bind to a specific analyte of interest; binding will result in the reduction of current in single-channel recording experiments. The first stage of the PROCEDURE is to cut and separate the SWCNTs. We cut long, purified SWCNTs with sonication in concentrated sulfuric acid/nitric acid (3/1). Isolation of ultrashort SWCNTs is carried out by size-exclusion HPLC separation. The second stage is to insert these short SWCNTs into the lipid bilayer. This step requires a microinjection probe made from a glass capillary. The setup for protein nanopore research can be adopted for the single-channel recording experiments without any special treatment. The obtained current traces are of very high quality, showing stable baselines and little background noise. Example procedures are shown for investigating ion transport and DNA translocation through these SWCNT nanopores. This nanopore has potential applications in molecular sensing, nanopore DNA sequencing and early disease diagnosis. For example, we have selectively detected modified 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), which may have implications in screening specific genomic DNA sequences. The protocol takes ∼15 d, including SWCNT purification, cutting and separation, as well as the formation of SWCNT nanopores for DNA analyses.


Nat Protoc


Nature protocols


Liu L,Xie J,Li T,Wu HC




Has Abstract


2015-11-01 00:00:00














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