Multiple tracts percutaneous nephrolithotomy assisted by LithoClast master in one session for staghorn calculi: report of 117 cases.


:The objective of the study is to evaluate the safety, efficacy and outcome of multiple tracts percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) assisted by LithoClast master (the third-generation Electro Medical System) in one session for the treatment of staghorn calculi. From October 2011 to March 2013, 117 patients with staghorn calculi underwent multiple tracts PCNL in our hospital. The combined pneumatic and ultrasonic powered lithotripter (EMS LithoClast master) was used to fragment and remove the calculi. The data were retrospectively analyzed with regard to stone burden, number of tracts, operation time, total operative blood loss, postoperative hospital stay, complications rate, and stone clearance rate. A total of 142 renal units in 117 patients (63 men and 54 women) were treated. Of the 142 renal units, 77 (54.2 %) had complete staghorn calculi, and 65 (45.8 %) had partial staghorn calculi. A total of 416 tracts were established in the 142 renal units. The mean number of tracts used in a single renal unit was 2.8 (range 2-4), most required three tracts. The mean (range) operating time is 72 (55-130) min. The mean (range) duration of postoperative hospital stay is 5.5 (3-9) days. Mean estimated operative blood loss is 150 (60-350) mL. The complications included blood transfusion in 9 (7.7 %) patients, high fever in 12 (10.3 %), sepsis in 5 (4.3 %), hydrothorax in 4 (3.4 %), and pseudoaneurysm in 3 (2.6 %). A complete stone clearance rate of 87.2 % (102/117) was achieved after one session of PCNL. This rate increased to 94.0 % after a secondlook procedure. In conclusion, multiple tracts PCNL assisted by EMS LithoClast master in one session is safe and effective in achieving a great stone clearance rate with acceptable morbidity for the treatment of staghorn calculi.






Chen J,Zhou X,Chen Z,Liu L,Jiang L,Chen C,Qi L,Zu X,Chen H




Has Abstract


2014-04-01 00:00:00












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