The role of nutrition and diet in Alzheimer disease: a systematic review.


:The role of nutrition in modulating Alzheimer disease (AD) remains uncertain. Persons ingesting a Mediterranean-type diet appear to be less likely to develop AD. Epidemiologically, food combinations rich in antioxidant vitamins reduced the risk of AD. Combination formulas (eg, Souvenaid) appear to have small effects on cognition. B-vitamin supplements were mostly disappointing with inconsistent findings, except in countries where bread is not fortified with folate. They were generally negative, as were studies investigating omega-3 fatty acid supplementation. Based on this review, a Mediterranean diet and/or a combination supplement, such as Souvenaid, appear to be the most beneficial approaches with the least possible adverse effects to slowing the progression of AD.


J Am Med Dir Assoc


Shah R




Has Abstract


2013-06-01 00:00:00














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