Developmental expression of foxA and gata genes during gut formation in the polychaete annelid, Capitella sp. I.


:Most bilaterian animals have evolved a through gut that is regionally specialized along the anterior-posterior axis. In the polychaete annelid, Capitella sp. I, the alimentary canal is subdivided into a buccal cavity, pharynx, esophagus, midgut, and hindgut. Members of the Fox and GATA families of transcription factors have conserved functions in patterning ectodermal and endodermal gut components. We have isolated and characterized expression of one FoxA gene (CapI-foxA) and four GATA genes (CapI-gataB1, CapI-gataB2, CapI-gataB3, and CapI-gataA1) from Capitella sp. I. Both gene families are expressed in the developing gut of this polychaete. CapI-foxA, an ortholog of the FoxA subgroup, is expressed in vegetal hemisphere micromeres of cleavage-stage embryos, in multiple blastomeres within and surrounding the blastopore during gastrulation, and throughout morphogenesis of the pharynx, esophagus, and hindgut. The CapI-gataB genes group within the vertebrate GATA4/5/6 subfamily, appear to be products of lineage-specific gene duplication, and are expressed in specific domains of endomesoderm. CapI-gataB1 is expressed in endoderm precursors and throughout developing midgut endoderm, and is particularly prominent at anterior and posterior midgut boundaries. CapI-gataB2 is co-expressed with CapI-gataB1 in midgut endoderm, and is also expressed in visceral mesoderm. CapI-gataB3 is limited to and coexpressed with CapI-gataB2 in visceral mesoderm. CapI-gataA1 groups within the vertebrate GATA1/2/3 subfamily and is expressed primarily in ectodermal tissues of the brain, ventral nerve cord, lateral trunk, and both pharyngeal and esophageal regions of the foregut. Collectively, the CapI-foxA and CapI-gata genes show patterns of expression that span almost the entire length of the developing alimentary canal, consistent with a role in gut development.


Evol Dev


Evolution & development


Boyle MJ,Seaver EC




Has Abstract


2008-01-01 00:00:00














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