Individual CAD/CAM fabricated glass-bioceramic implants in reconstructive surgery of the bony orbital floor.


BACKGROUND:The aim of the study was to present a set of preliminary cases from an ongoing program of reconstructive procedures using a new technique in the treatment of severe enophthalmos and diplopia after the primary treatment of orbital floor fractures had rendered insufficient results. METHODS:Glass-bioceramic implants were shaped from computed tomography coordinates with computer-assisted design and computer-assisted manufacturing. In this prefabrication process, the implants were milled individually out of a solid block of Bioverit II (3di Gmbh, Jena, Germany). The adequacy of this reconstruction for treating malfunction and aesthetic deficits was evaluated. RESULTS:Eight patients with orbital floor fractures underwent successful surgery. The results were encouraging, with all patients showing a good functional and aesthetic outcome. CONCLUSIONS:Computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing implants made of Bioverit II can be used for a very accurate and successful secondary reconstruction of the orbital floor. However, it addresses only a few aspects of the treatment of orbital floor fractures and should be considered as an equal alternative to other reconstruction methods.


Plast Reconstr Surg


Klein M,Glatzer C




Has Abstract


2006-02-01 00:00:00














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