Epidemiologic inquiry: observational studies.


:A major objective of epidemiologic investigation is to determine whether or not an association between an exposure and a condition exists in a human population. The presence of such an association cna be explored using three distinct strategies, the cohort, the case-control, and the cross-sectional approaches. This paper describes each of these research designs and discusses their advantages and disadvantages.


Fam Med


Family medicine


Zweig SC,Blake RL Jr


Has Abstract


1988-07-01 00:00:00












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    abstract:BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Time spent in the electronic health record (EHR), away from direct patient care, is associated with physician burnout. Yet there is a lack of evidence quantifying EHR use among family physicians. The purpose of the study was to describe a method for quantifying habits and duration of use withi...

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  • Enhancing the hospice curriculum within the family medicine clerkship.

    abstract:BACKGROUND:Medical schools are improving end-of-life (EOL) care curricula; however, students rarely practice EOL communication skills in a safe learning environment. OBJECTIVE:Our objective was to study which curriculum improves students' ability to discuss hospice care. METHODS:We conducted a study of six family med...

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  • Using ICPC in a computer-based primary care information system.

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  • Association between alcohol consumption and diabetes preventive practices.

    abstract:BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES:Little is known about the effect of alcohol consumption on the quality of care among patients with diabetes. We evaluated the association between alcohol consumption and diabetes preventive practices. METHODS:We analyzed data from the 2001 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Based on ...

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