Risk factors for atherosclerosis in twins.


:We performed multivariate genetic analyses of cardiovascular risk factors from two sets of data on US and Australian female twins. Similar models for body mass index (BMI), serum low density (LDL) and high density (HDL) lipoproteins, including age as a covariate, were fitted successfully to both groups. These suggested that BMI, or genes responsible for a significant proportion of the variance of BMI, explained correlations between lipid subfractions, as well as those between blood pressure and lipid subfractions, especially HDL.


Genet Epidemiol


Genetic epidemiology


Duffy DL,O'Connell DL,Heller RF,Martin NG




Has Abstract


1993-01-01 00:00:00












  • Genetic epidemiology of breast cancer: segregation analysis of 389 Icelandic pedigrees.

    abstract::A genetic epidemiologic investigation of breast cancer involving 389 breast cancer pedigrees including information on 14,721 individuals from the Icelandic population-based cancer registry is presented. Probands were women born in or after 1920 and reported to have breast cancer in the cancer registry. The average age...

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  • Estimating gene penetrance from family data.

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  • Path analysis under generalized marital resemblance: evaluation of the assumptions underlying the mixed homogamy model by the Monte Carlo method.

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  • Bayesian latent variable collapsing model for detecting rare variant interaction effect in twin study.

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  • Logistic transmission modeling for the simulated data of GAW10 problem 2.

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  • Region-based association tests for sequencing data on survival traits.

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