Erosion and perforation of the biliary tree by plastic biliary endoprostheses.


:Biliary endoprostheses are increasingly used in the treatment of both benign and malignant pancreaticobiliary disorders. Common bile duct stones are a common clinical problem for which there now exist a range of treatment modalities. Official guidelines in the UK advocate the use of plastic biliary endoprostheses in the treatment of common bile duct stones only as a short-term measure prior to definitive endoscopic or surgical clearance. Long-term use of such stents is associated with several complications related to stent insertion, occlusion, and migration. Organ perforation resulting from plastic biliary stents is very rare and can occur either as an early complication at stent insertion or as a late complication resulting from stent migration and pressure necrosis. Although duodenal, small-bowel, and colonic perforations have been described, we have found no reports of extra-hepatic bile duct perforation occurring as a complication of plastic biliary stents. We present three cases of biliary tree erosion and perforation by plastic stents placed in patients with common bile duct stones cleared endoscopically prior to laparoscopic cholecystectomy and discuss the possible implications of this previously unreported phenomenon.






Sinha S,Wardle A,Kalidindi V,Banga N,Stoker DL




Has Abstract


2010-09-01 00:00:00












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