An Analysis of Different Components of a High-Throughput Screening Library.


:Since many projects at pharmaceutical organizations get their start from a high-throughput screening (HTS) campaign, improving the quality of the HTS deck can improve the likelihood of discovering a high-quality lead molecule that can be progressed to a drug candidate. Over the past decade, Janssen has implemented several strategies for external compound acquisition to augment the screening deck beyond the chemical space and number of molecules synthesized for internal projects. In this report, we analyzed the performance of each of those compound collections in the screening campaigns performed internally within Janssen during the last five years. We classified the screening library into two broad categories: Internal and External. The comparison of the performance of these sets of libraries was done by considering the primary, confirmation, and dose response hit rates. Our analysis revealed that Internal compounds (resulting from numerous medicinal chemistry efforts against diverse protein targets) have higher average confirmation hit rates than External ones; however, actives from both categories show similar probabilities of hitting multiple distinct targets. We also investigated the property landscape of both sets of libraries to identify the key elements which make a difference in these categories of compounds. From this analysis, Janssen aims to understand the descriptor landscape of the compounds with the highest hit rates and to use them for improving its future acquisition strategies as well as to inform our plating strategy.


J Chem Inf Model


Saha A,Varghese T,Liu A,Allen SJ,Mirzadegan T,Hack MD




Has Abstract


2018-10-22 00:00:00












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