Perception of risk for domoic acid related health problems: A cross-cultural study.


:Risk perception is a complex process that refers to the way people approach, think about, and interpret risks in their environment. An important element of risk perception is that it is culturally situated. Since HABs can present a health risk in many places around the world, looking at cultural parameters for understanding and interpreting risks is important. This study examined how two different groups of people perceive the potential health risks of low-level exposure to domoic acid (DA) through razor clam consumption. The risk perceptions of Washington State, USA coastal dwelling Native American nations (NA) were compared to that of a community sample of recreational razor clam harvesters (CRH). Overall, the findings support the hypothesis that cultural and community specific contexts impact the perception of risk of a DA related illness. Specifically, the NA sample was distinguished from the CRH group in particular, by their worries about ocean pollution, attribution of DA risks to climate change, concerns about the potential impact of DA on future generations, and feeling of being better informed than the CRH group. The CRH group was more likely to attribute the DA problem to anthropogenic or industrial causes and view the risk of health problems from DA as lower than those associated with smoking, high cholesterol, anxiety or depression, alcoholism, high blood pressure or obesity. The CRH group was also more likely to turn to the media for DA-related information. Both groups trusted the decisions of state and tribe health and natural resources officials, and demonstrated a complex pattern of findings that involved gender. In summary, risk communication and outreach activities should be designed to take into consideration the specific factors that are unique to each cultural community.


Harmful Algae


Harmful algae


Roberts SM,Grattan LM,Toben AC,Ausherman C,Trainer VL,Tracy K,Morris JG Jr




Has Abstract


2016-07-01 00:00:00




Pt B










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