[Evaluation of vibration exposure long-term effects in people with diagnosed vibration syndrome].


BACKGROUND:Long-term exposure to hand-transmitted vibration can increase the occurrence of symptoms and signs of vascular neurological and musculoskeletal disorders of the upper extremities. The most common is the angioneurotic type of the vibration syndrome. Very little is known about possibility of withdrawal of symptoms after exposure cessation. OBJECTIVES:The aim of the study was to evaluate the long-term effects of vibration exposure in people with diagnosed vibration syndrome. The particular aim of the study was to gain the information on possible withdrawal of symptoms in the peripheral vascular and nervous system after exposure cessation. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The medical documentation of patients with vibration syndrome symptoms, examined in the years 1999-2004 in the Outpatient Clinic of the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine and in three Voivodeship Centers of Occupational Medicine has been analyzed. RESULTS:A group of 45 people who had been suffering from diagnosed angioneurotic vibration syndrome for at least 5 years was chosen. The mean age of the examined group at the time of occupational disease certification was 48.2 and the mean period of exposure to hand-transmitted vibration was nearly 20 years. The major group comprised persons with vibration syndrome diagnosed at an 'early symptoms' stage, an advanced stage of the disease was described in only 5 cases. From the time of occupational disease certification only 7 persons have been performing any job, and more than a half of the group has been granted disability pension. CONCLUSIONS:The results of the study show a bad prognosis of angioneurotic vibration syndrome despite cessation of the exposure to vibration. The total withdrawal of symptoms is possible only in people with vibration syndrome diagnosed at an 'early symptoms' stage, at young age and after short period of exposure.


Med Pr


Medycyna pracy


Wagrowska-Koski E,Lewańska M,Rybacki M,Turbańska R,Mikołajczyk A,Łoś-Spychalska T


Has Abstract


2011-01-01 00:00:00












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