Sourdough improves the quality of whole-wheat flour products: Mechanisms and challenges-A review.


:Increasing the intake of whole-wheat flour (WWF) products is one of the methods to promote health. Sourdough fermentation is increasingly being used in improving the quality of WWF products. This review aims to analyze the effect of sourdough fermentation on WWF products. The effects of sourdough on bran particles, starch, and gluten, as well as the rheology, antinutritional factors, and flavor components in WWF dough/products are comprehensively reviewed. Meanwhile, sourdough fermentation technology has a promising future in reducing anti-nutritional factors and toxic and harmful substances in WFF products. Finally, researchers are encouraged to focus on the efficient strain screening and metabolic pathway control of sourdough for WWF products, as well as the use of bran pre-fermentation and integrated biotechnology to improve the quality of whole-wheat products. This review provides a comprehensive understanding of the effect of sourdough fermentation technology on wholemeal products to promote WWF production.


Food Chem


Food chemistry


Ma S,Wang Z,Guo X,Wang F,Huang J,Sun B,Wang X




["Fermentation","Metabolic pathway","Quality improvement","Sourdough","Whole wheat products"]


Has Abstract


2021-10-30 00:00:00












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