
2019.08.05 14:49
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  【摘要】目的:比较两种瓷贴面粘结方式,用排龈法和直接抛光法对牙龈上皮损伤的研究。方法:选择于2016年2-7月来笔者所在医院牙科就诊的需要进行瓷面贴患者34例共92颗牙,患者年龄19—46岁。数字随机分组,分为抛光组(46颗)、排龈组(46颗)。对照组为修复牙左右两侧远中邻牙的健康牙46颗;抛光组为直接树脂贴面粘结;排龈组为在15 min内,排龈线微创排龈后树脂粘结。操作后2周随访,观察、比较各指标:探测深度(probing depth,PD)、Mazza牙龈出血指数(mazza index,MI)、菌斑指数(plaque index,PLI)变化情况。操作后1年,再次复诊观察牙龈外形、着色性。结果:粘结操作后2周,与对照组比较,两种操作方式的Mazza牙龈出血指数、菌斑指数均高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),探测深度低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);而抛光组及排龈组PD、MI、PLI三项指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后1年复诊,所有病例均无显著牙龈缩退、着色。结论:两种操作方式在牙龈出血、炎性反应、探测深度方面,都不同程度损伤了牙龈组织,损害了牙龈的健康程度。而在损伤的程度方面,两种操作方式并无明显差异,临床应用中应个性化选择粘结方法,减少牙龈损伤。


  doi:10.14033/j.cnki.cfmr.2018.26.014 文献标识码B 文章编号1674-6805(2018)26-0035-02

  Comparative Study on Irljury of Gingival Epithelium by Porcelain Adhesive Method/LI Xianfeng j/Chinese and Foreign Medical Research, 2018,16(26): 35-36

  [Abstract] Objective: To compare the effects of gingival drainage and direct polishing on gingival epithelium injury by two kinds nf porcelain surface bonding methods.Method: From February 2016 to July 2016, there were 34 cases of porcelain veneer attached to our hospital, including 92 teeth.The age of the patients was 19-46 years old.Digital random grouping was divided into polishing group(46 teeth), gingival group(46 teeth).The control group 46 teeth were the healthy teeth of the distal and middle teeth on both sides of the prothetic teeth.The polishing group was bonded with the direct resin veneer, and the gingiva group was bonded in 15 minutes after the gingiva line.After 2 weeks of follow-up, the changes of detection depth (probing depth, PD), Mazza gingival bleeding index(Mazza index, MI) and plaque index (plaque index, PLI) were observed and compared.l year after operation, the gingival shape and coloring were observed again.Result: After 2 weeks of bond operation, compared with the control group, the gingival bleeding index and plaque index of the gingiva of the Mazza increased with the 2 0peration methods, the differences were statistically significant(P was significant(P significant(P>0.05).No recurrence of gingival recession or coloration was found in all cases after l year of follow-up visit.Conclusion: The two methods of operation in gingival bleeding, inflammatory reaction, detection depth, all of different degrees of damage gingival tissue, damage gingival health.In terms of the degree ofinjury, there is no significant difference between the two modes of operation, and the method of bonding shall be selected individually in clinical application to reduce gingival injury.

  [Keywords] Porcelainpaste;Bondingmethods;Cingivaldrainage;Directpolishing

  First-author's address: Hanyang Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan 430050, China


  1 资料与方法

  1.1 -般资料



  制备龈下或龈上肩台深凹肩台,龈下肩台深度约0.3 mm内,龈上肩台距牙龈边缘约0.1 mm内,排龈线(美国Ultrapak)微创机械排龈f”,封闭牙本质后取模制作。树脂临时贴面粘结。抛光组为直接树脂贴面粘结;排龈组为在15 min内,排龈线微创排龈后树脂粘结。操作完成后进行咬合调整,口腔卫生指导。


  (1)Mazza牙龈出血指数(mazza index,MI),是判断牙龈健康的指标,分为6级:0=牙龈健康;1=牙龈颜色有炎性改变,探诊不出血;2=探诊后有点状出血;3=探诊出血,延牙龈缘扩散;4=出血流满并溢出龈沟;5=自发出血。

      (2)菌斑指数(plaqu。index,PLI),是反映菌斑的指标,分4级:0=无菌斑;1:在游离龈缘和牙颈部有薄膜状物;2:牙面上可见软垢堆积;3:牙面上有更多的软垢。操作后2周随访,观察、比较各指标探测深度(prohing depth,PD)、MI、PLI变化情况。操作后1年,再次复诊观察牙龈外形、着色性[4-5]。


  本研究数据采用SPSS 21.0统计学软件进行分析和处理,计量资料以(互±s)表示,采用独立样本£检验,计数资料以率(o/o)表示,采用x检验。



  表1 操作后2周各指标变化情况fi±s1

  组别 MI PLI PD(mm)

  对照组m=46) 0.42±0.22 0.38土0.17 2.13±O.ll

  抛光组m=46) 0.78±0.51' 0.63±0.61' 1.44±0.31'

  排龈组m=46) 0.76±0.57 #0.59±0.54# 1.48±0.35#








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