Unconscious representation of femininity.


:This paper sets out some of the main differences in approaches to the study of female sexuality, in particular in terms of the place of the body and biology in the construction of femininity. It illustrates a dual aspect of femininity in its reference to lack and in its more immediate bodily reality, suggesting that it is the interplay of these two which traces a woman's sexual position.


J Am Psychoanal Assoc


Birksted-Breen D


Has Abstract


1996-01-01 00:00:00








44 Suppl


  • Will This Case Count? The Influence of Training on Treatment.

    abstract::Mandated use of the couch-whether specifically stated or tacitly communicated by supervisors and colleagues-to fulfill requirements for graduation or certification is a significant disservice to candidates and their patients. In its training standards, it is argued, APsaA and its member institutes should state explici...

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    authors: Chasseguet-Smirgel J

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    authors: Abrams S,Solnit AJ

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  • The view from the tip of the iceberg.

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    authors: Josephs L

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    authors: Johnson B

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