Sequential correlation of anomeric ribose protons and intervening phosphorus in RNA oligonucleotides by a 1H, 13C, 31P triple resonance experiment: HCP-CCH-TOCSY.


:A three-dimensional 1H, 13C, 31P triple resonance experiment, HCP-CCH-TOCSY, is presented which provides unambiguous through-bond correlation of all 1H ribose protons on the 5' and 3' sides of the intervening phosphorus along the backbone bonding network in 13C-labeled RNA oligonucleotides. The correlation of the complete ribose spin system to the intervening phosphorus is obtained by adding a C,C-TOCSY coherence transfer step to the triple resonance HCP experiment. The C,C-TOCSY transfer step, which utilizes the large and relatively uniform 1J(C,C) coupling constant (approximately 40 Hz for ribose carbons), efficiently correlates the phosphorus-coupled carbons observed in the HCP correlation experiment (i.e., C4' and C5' in the 5' direction and C4' and C3' in the 3' direction) to all other carbons in the ribose spin system. Of the additional correlations observed in the HCP-CCH-TOCSY, that to the relatively well-resolved anomeric H1',C1' resonance pairs provides the greatest gain in terms of facilitating assignment. The gain in spectral resolution afforded by chemical shift labeling with the anomeric resonances should provide a more robust pathway for sequential assignment over the intervening phosphorus in larger RNA oligonucleotides. The HCP-CCH-TOCSY experiment is demonstrated on a uniformly 13C, 15N-labeled 19-nucleotide RNA stem-loop, derived from the antisense RNA I molecule found in the ColE1 plasmid replication control system.


J Biomol NMR


Marino JP,Schwalbe H,Anklin C,Bermel W,Crothers DM,Griesinger C




Has Abstract


1995-01-01 00:00:00












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