Fruitlax: management of constipation in children with disabilities.


:Seven children, with a variety of disabilities, who had experienced chronic constipation, participated in a study of the use of Fruitlax, a natural laxative. Using an AB single-subject design, data were collected for each child for a baseline period A (2 weeks) and for an intervention period B (minimum of 3 weeks), which included the addition of Fruitlax to the subjects' diets. Whereas each child experienced some change in bowel pattern (consistency, effort required to have a bowel movement, color, amount, frequency, and number of bowel movements per day), the particular change was different for each child. Fruitlax does appear to be a useful natural laxative for some children; however, additional research with a larger sample is required. The Glenrose Stool Consistency Tool was developed for use in this study. Further work is needed in the use of the tool by clients, their families, and health care workers.


Clin Nurs Res


Day RA,Monsma M




Has Abstract


1995-08-01 00:00:00












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