Screening for new mutations in the LDL receptor gene in seven French familial hypercholesterolemia families by the single strand conformation polymorphism method.


:To investigate the molecular basis of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) in France, we applied the single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) method to the promoter region and the 18 exons of the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene. Seven probands, 4 heterozygotes, 2 compound heterozygotes, and 1 homozygote, belonging to FH families were tested. In all cases, previous genetic analysis and/or LDL receptor fibroblast assay had shown that the disease was due to defects in the LDLR gene. Out of the nine mutations expected, one nonsense mutation in exon 2 and six missense mutations were identified in exons 3, 6, 8, 11, and 15. Two of the latter were found in exon 6. In each family, cosegregation of the base substitution and the disease was observed. Ninety-five control subjects were screened for the presence of the six missense mutations. None was detected, implying that the mutations identified are deleterious. Our results indicate that the SSCP analysis of amplified genomic DNA fragments can be successfully used to rapidly screen mutation containing exons in large genes. Furthermore, all these mutations are newly described and demonstrate heterogeneity of LDLR gene mutations responsible for FH in the French population, as in other reported Caucasian populations.


Hum Mutat


Human mutation


Loux N,Saint-Jore B,Collod G,Dairou F,Benlian P,Truffert J,Dastugue B,Douste-Blazy P,de Gennes JL,Junien C





Has Abstract,Author List Incomplete


1992-01-01 00:00:00












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