Dietary behaviors and sources of support in hemodialysis patients.


:Individuals with chronic renal failure generally have strict dietary guidelines. This descriptive study was designed to identify the relationship between sources of social support and dietary management by Japanese hemodialysis patients. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by a convenience sample of 325 adults receiving dialysis. Subjects 65 years and older received more support from family members, doctors, nurses, and technicians than younger subjects. Subjects who had been on dialysis for less than 3 years received more support from nurses and doctors than those who had been on dialysis for longer periods of time. Multiple regression analysis identified that support from family members and nurses were significantly related to dietary behaviors. Nurses working with dialysis patients should remember to use their influence to positively support their patients and to bear in mind that long-term dialysis patients, especially those who are young and unmarried, may benefit from ongoing nursing support and encouragement.


Clin Nurs Res


Oka M,Chaboyer W





Has Abstract


1999-11-01 00:00:00


302-14; discussion 314-7










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