Everyday couples' communication research: Overcoming methodological barriers with technology.


:Relationship behaviors contribute to compromised health or resilience. Everyday communication between intimate partners represents the vast majority of their interactions. When intimate partners take on new roles as patients and caregivers, everyday communication takes on a new and important role in managing both the transition and the adaptation to the change in health status. However, everyday communication and its relation to health has been little studied, likely due to barriers in collecting and processing this kind of data. The goal of this paper is to describe deterrents to capturing naturalistic, day-in-the-life communication data and share how technological advances have helped surmount them. We provide examples from a current study and describe how we anticipate technology will further change research capabilities.


Patient Educ Couns


Reblin M,Heyman RE,Ellington L,Baucom BRW,Georgiou PG,Vadaparampil ST




Has Abstract


2018-03-01 00:00:00














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