Spondyloenchondromatosis with D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria: a report of a second patient with this unusual combination.


:Spondyloenchondromatosis (SEM) is a rare skeletal dysplasia which presents with multiple enchondromata in the metaphyses of the long bones associated with dysplastic vertebral bodies. It is probably heterogeneous. We have investigated and documented a male infant in South Africa with spondyloenchondromatosis and persistent D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (D2HA). D2HA is a neurometabolic disorder whose enzymatic basis is still undefined. A girl in England with a similar clinical, radiological and biochemical phenotype has previously been reported by Talkhani et al. [(2000). Skel Radiol 7:215-2921]. There is at present a lack of a plausible pathogenetic relationship between the two components of the disorder but a contiguous gene syndrome or a pleiotropic gene could be considered. Whatever the underlying mechanism this case report confirms its nosological entity.


Clin Dysmorphol


Clinical dysmorphology


Honey EM,van Rensburg M,Knoll DP,Mienie LJ,van de Werke I,Beighton P




Has Abstract


2003-04-01 00:00:00












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