Inhibition of glutathione S-transferase P type-positive foci development by linolic acid hydroperoxides and their secondary oxidative products in a rat in vivo mid-term test for liver carcinogens.


:The effects of linolic acid hydroperoxides (product A) and secondary oxidative products of product A (product B), were examined in an in vivo mid-term test for hepatocarcinogens or hepatopromoters in rats. The number of placental type of glutathione S-transferase (GST-P)-positive foci of the liver was significantly reduced in rats given diethylnitrosamine (DEN) followed by products A (4.64 +/- 1.09, P less than 0.05) or B (3.62 +/- 1.65, P less than 0.01) as compared to the controls given carcinogen alone (6.31 +/- 2.82). The area of GST-P positive foci was also significantly reduced in rats given DEN followed by product B (0.30 +/- 0.21, P less than 0.05) as compared to the controls (0.47 +/- 0.23). These results suggest that linolic acid hydroperoxides or their secondary oxidative products are not hepatocarcinogens and rather may possess inhibitory potential for liver carcinogenesis.


Toxicol Lett


Toxicology letters


Hirose M,Thamavit W,Asamoto M,Osawa T,Ito N




Has Abstract


1986-07-01 00:00:00














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