:Gene therapy using virus vectors to treat hereditary diseases has made remarkable progress in the past decade. There are FDA-approved products for ex-vivo gene therapy for diseases such as immunodeficiencies (e.g., SCID), and in vivo gene therapy for a rare blindness and neuro-muscular disease. Gene therapy for hereditary hearing loss has picked up pace in the past five years due to progress in understanding disease gene function as well as the development of better technologies such as adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors, to deliver nucleic acid to target cells in the inner ear. This review has two major goals. One is to review the state of the art for investigators already working in preclinical cochlear gene therapy. The other is to present the language of vectorology and important considerations for designing and using AAV vectors to inner ear neurobiologists who might use AAV vectors in the cochlea for either therapeutic or basic biological applications.
Hear Resjournal_title
Hearing researchauthors
Maguire CA,Corey DPdoi
Has Abstractpub_date
2020-09-01 00:00:00pages
HEARING RESEARCH文献大全abstract::The effect of a preceding (adapter) sound on the spatial discrimination of two subsequent, successively presented (target) sounds was tested in the horizontal plane. The adapter and the first target were located in front of the subject or 30 degrees to the right of the midline; both sounds were presented either at the...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2004-05-01 00:00:00
abstract::Recently, ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMPs) have been described and added to the neuro-otologic test battery as a new measure for the vestibulo-ocular reflex. oVEMPs represent extraocular muscle activity in response to otolith stimulation e.g. by air-conducted sound or bone-conducted vibration. In ...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章,评审
更新日期:2012-12-01 00:00:00
abstract::We have compared the effects of microiontophoretic application of the GABA(A)-receptor antagonists bicuculline (BIC) and gabazine (SR95531) on responses to pure tones and to sinusoidally amplitude-modulated (AM) tones in cells recorded extracellularly from primary auditory cortex (AI) of Mongolian gerbils. Besides sim...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2006-02-01 00:00:00
abstract::This paper describes the development of a protocol that can be used to detect collagen II in the healthy adult basilar membrane (BM) at the electron microscopic level. This protocol required aggressive epitope exposure techniques to break the crosslinks that bind the collagen molecules tightly into fibrils and to remo...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2002-04-01 00:00:00
abstract::With the aim of characterizing the loss of high frequency hearing sensitivity in children, hearing thresholds and otoacoustic emissions were measured in a group of 126 normal hearing children and adolescents aged from 6 to 25 years. The subjects were divided into four 5-year age groups. Hearing thresholds over a range...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2006-02-01 00:00:00
abstract::The rather shallow growth of click-evoked otoacoustic emissions (CEOAE) with click intensity, namely <1 dB/dB, distinguishes genuine CEOAEs from stimulus artifacts, thereby providing the rationale for the popular 'derived nonlinear recording' method. However, other CEOAE nonlinearities regarding phase or envelope depe...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2003-01-01 00:00:00
abstract::A simplified network model of the organ of Corti is analyzed with the assumption of parametric excitation via resistance changes in the hair cells' apical membrane. Pertinent network variables (intracellular resting and receptor potentials, cellular input resistance, extracellular potentials) depend on the ratios of b...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:1983-10-01 00:00:00
abstract::In previous studies describing the effects of electrically stimulating the olivocochlear bundle, it seems possible that both medial and lateral (MOC and LOC) efferents may have been stimulated. To selectively stimulate MOC efferents, we used an electrode placed at the origin of the MOC efferents in the brainstem (MOC ...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Action potentials recorded extracellularly from neurons within the caudal cochlear nuclei of developing cats exhibited distinctive temporal characteristics (i.e., rhythmic responses) in response to long-duration acoustic stimuli including both tone and noise bursts. Unlike the homogeneous response characteristics of a...
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abstract::Glutamate plays a role in hair cell afferent transmission, but the receptors that mediate neurotransmission between outer hair cells (OHCs) and type II ganglion neurons are not well defined. A previous study using in situ hybridization showed that several kainate-type glutamate receptor (KAR) subunits are expressed in...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Masking patterns were measured for hearing-impaired subjects with varying degrees of hearing loss. In one set of conditions, three subjects were tested using narrowband noise ('noise') and sinusoidal ('tone') maskers and narrowband noise signals. The maskers had centre frequencies of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 4.0 kHz and lev...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Stiffness of hair bundles on cochlear hair cells was measured in turns 2, 3 and 4 of isolated preparations of the guinea-pig organ of Corti maintained in tissue culture medium. Defined as the force required to produce a linear 1.0 micron deflection of the hair-bundle tip, stiffness is greater for deflection in the exc...
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pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::We studied the 2IFC detectability of a 500 Hz tone masked by computer-generated maskers under the N0SII interaural condition, and under two masker conditions. In the first masker condition the maskers in the two intervals of a trial were independent of each other, and in the second masker condition the maskers were id...
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pub_type: 杂志文章
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journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2004-11-01 00:00:00
abstract::Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) from ten normal (3 males, 7 females) and ten environmentally sound deprived CBA/J mice (6 males, 4 females) were elicited by 30 dB HL click stimuli delivered via specially constructed, matched insert earphones. The mice were tested at 44-49 days of age under chloral hydrate sedation ...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Binaural temporal resolution was measured using the discrimination of brief interaural time delays (ITDs). In experiment 1, three listeners performed a 2I-2AFC, ITD-discrimination procedure. ITD changes of 8 to 1024micros were applied to brief probe noises. These probes, with durations of 16 to 362ms, were placed symm...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Although the neural mechanisms underlying pitch perception are not yet fully understood, there is general agreement that place and temporal representations of pitch are both used by the auditory system. This paper describes a neural network model of pitch perception that integrates both codes of pitch and explores the...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Over the last 30 years a wide range of manipulations of auditory input and experience have been shown to result in plasticity in auditory cortical and subcortical structures. The time course of plasticity ranges from very rapid stimulus-specific adaptation to longer-term changes associated with, for example, partial h...
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pub_type: 杂志文章,评审
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abstract::There is increasing evidence that humans and other nonhuman mammals are sensitive to the statistical structure of auditory input. Indeed, neural sensitivity to statistical regularities seems to be a fundamental biological property underlying auditory learning. In the case of speech, statistical regularities play a cru...
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pub_type: 杂志文章,评审
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abstract::The influence of noise exposure on the endothelial transport system in the cochlea was investigated using cationic polyethyleneimine (PEI), since systemically administered PEI passes through the capillary endothelial cell and attaches to basal lamina (BL) anionic sites in the cochlea. Under general anesthesia, all gui...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) to clicks and noise bursts of various frequency bands and intensities were recorded in two bottlenosed dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. The purpose was to assess contributions of various parts of the cochlear partition to ABR and travelling wave velocity in the cochlea. At band-pass fil...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2001-01-01 00:00:00
abstract::Cochlear implant (CI) users typically have excellent speech recognition in quiet but struggle with understanding speech in noise. It is thought that broad current spread from stimulating electrodes causes adjacent electrodes to activate overlapping populations of neurons which results in interactions across adjacent c...
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pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Uncoupling proteins (UCPs) are a proton transporter family located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. The molecular expression and activity of UCPs in brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle are regulated by factors as diverse as chronic overeating and cold exposure, suggesting roles in energy expenditure and heat ...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2004-10-01 00:00:00
abstract::The number, size and distribution of myelinated nerve fibers were analyzed in the osseous spiral lamina (OSL) of young and old gerbils raised in a quiet environment. Because decreased endocochlear potentials (EPs) play a significant role in age-related hearing loss in the gerbil, we correlated morphometric and topogra...
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pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is generally defined as sensorineural hearing loss of 30 dB or greater over at least three contiguous audiometric frequencies and within a three-day period. This hearing loss is usually unilateral and can be associated with tinnitus and vertigo. The pathogenesis of unilateral ...
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pub_type: 杂志文章
更新日期:2016-05-01 00:00:00
abstract::The latency, the rise time and the influence of the acoustic reflex on sound transmission were investigated in the adult rat during ketamin anesthesia. This was done by recordings of the cochlear microphonics (CM) and electromyographic (EMG) recordings of the reflex responses of the tensor tympani muscle. The acoustic...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::A growing body of evidence implies that the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) plays an important role in tinnitus. To test the hypothesis that the rostral output of the DCN is necessary for the experience of chronic tinnitus, the dorsal DCN and the dorsal acoustic stria of rats with psychophysical evidence of tinnitus was...
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pub_type: 杂志文章
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abstract::Several studies have demonstrated that treatment with intracochlear chronic electrical stimulation (CES) protects spiral ganglion cells (SGCs) from degeneration in deafened animals. Other studies could not confirm this effect of CES. The present study examined whether CES in a mode as presented in cochlear implant use...
journal_title:Hearing research
pub_type: 杂志文章
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