Research on the axial velocity change rule of desktop slot exhaust hood.


:The desktop slot exhaust hood has been widely used, but it is calculated by empirical formula. Axial velocity change rule of desktop slot exhaust hood can effectively provide the basis of the wind speed needed in order to control the poison. According to gas motion mathematical model, the geometry model and boundary conditions of desktop slot exhaust hood was established, and the influence of the hood sizes to axial velocity were analyzed by Fluent simulation. The changes of relationship between the axial velocity (V) and the distance from the hood mouth (L), the short edge of the hood mouth (a), the long edge of the hood mouth (b), the equivalent diameter of the hood mouth (d) and the square root of the hood mouth area (√A) were comparative analyzed by dimensionless processing. The result is the V/V0 with L/d have better change rule. The axial velocity change rule of different axial velocity were also analyzed using V/V0 with L/d change rule, and the change rule of V/V0 with L/d of desktop slot exhaust hood was obtained, which was verified by experiment.


Ind Health


Industrial health


Chen J




Has Abstract


2018-07-27 00:00:00












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