The Locomotor Capability Index in diagram form: the Stanmore-Kingston Splat.


:The Stanmore-Kingston Splat is a graphical display of the goals and achievements of amputee rehabilitation patients using the Locomotor Capability Index. The chart is in a radial polygram form with the sectors coloured and shaded. Three scores can be shown: The patient's capability at delivery of the prosthesis, the goals set for rehabilitation, and the final achievement after the programme. The main advantages are rapid, easy reading for a therapist and convenient use when discussed with the patient at goal setting or progress review. The Splat is being used at Stanmore Disablement Services Centre and an extension to other centres is planned.


Prosthet Orthot Int


Geake T,Hanspal R,Wertheim D,Fulton J




Has Abstract


2006-12-01 00:00:00














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