Genome-wide atlas of gene expression in the adult mouse brain.


:Molecular approaches to understanding the functional circuitry of the nervous system promise new insights into the relationship between genes, brain and behaviour. The cellular diversity of the brain necessitates a cellular resolution approach towards understanding the functional genomics of the nervous system. We describe here an anatomically comprehensive digital atlas containing the expression patterns of approximately 20,000 genes in the adult mouse brain. Data were generated using automated high-throughput procedures for in situ hybridization and data acquisition, and are publicly accessible online. Newly developed image-based informatics tools allow global genome-scale structural analysis and cross-correlation, as well as identification of regionally enriched genes. Unbiased fine-resolution analysis has identified highly specific cellular markers as well as extensive evidence of cellular heterogeneity not evident in classical neuroanatomical atlases. This highly standardized atlas provides an open, primary data resource for a wide variety of further studies concerning brain organization and function.






Lein ES,Hawrylycz MJ,Ao N,Ayres M,Bensinger A,Bernard A,Boe AF,Boguski MS,Brockway KS,Byrnes EJ,Chen L,Chen L,Chen TM,Chin MC,Chong J,Crook BE,Czaplinska A,Dang CN,Datta S,Dee NR,Desaki AL,Desta T,Diep E,Dol




Has Abstract


2007-01-11 00:00:00
















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