The teleostean forebrain: a comparative and developmental view based on early proliferation, Pax6 activity and catecholaminergic organization.


:An improved comparative interpretation of the teleostean forebrain suggests that the dorsal tier (Vd,Vc) and ventral tier (Vv,Vl) nuclei of the ventral telencephalic area (subpallium) represent the striatum and septum, respectively. Among other arguments, a dopaminergic innervation originating in the diencephalic posterior tubercle reaches Vd and dense efferents of Vv project to the midline hypothalamus in the adult zebrafish subpallium. The adult area dorsalis telencephali represents the teleostean pallium. Regulatory genes typically expressed in the early amniote subpallium (e.g., Dlx-1) are also restricted to the presumptive zebrafish ventral telencephalic area. Further, early Pax6 protein distribution in the zebrafish telencephalon corresponds to the migrating stream noted at the pallial-subpallial boundary in amniotes, but a ventricular, radial glia-based expression in the pallium is absent. The peripherally migrated, adult diencephalic preglomerular complex of the basal plate posterior tubercle (early: M2) provides sensory inputs to the pallium. Early Pax6 protein distribution indicates that at least part of M2 may directly originate from alar plate ventral thalamic Pax6-expressing cells. Dopaminergic cells of the basal plate posterior zebrafish forebrain (P1-P3) are restricted to the ventral thalamic prosomere (P3), including those forming the adult ascending dopaminergic system. Moreover, the latter likely depend developmentally on the dorsally adjacent alar plate Pax6-expressing cells.


Brain Res Bull


Brain research bulletin


Wullimann MF,Rink E





Has Abstract


2002-02-01 00:00:00














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